Back in 2003, Dr. Fortin from Andrews University visited the Beloit District of churches. He mentioned about the picture of Jesus. And I got this copy from the Ellen G. White’s Estate.
Regarding the Picture “Our Savior”
The following appeared on the back of the picture:
From the only authentic likeness of our Saviour, cut on an emerald by command of Tiburius Caesar, and given to pope Innocent VIII from the Treasury at Constantinople, by the Emperor of the Turks, for the ransom of his brother, then a captive of the Christians.
“I well recall seeing Brother and Sister White coming to our home many times when I was a child—probably in 1878-79 or 1880-81 –and sister White never failed to comment upon the picture and its likeness to the Savior as she had seen Him in visions. I think her exact words were, ‘Yes, yes, it looks as I’ve seen our Savior in vision—it’s more nearly a likeness than anything I have ever seen.’ Of course, it made a great impression on us all. Not long before my mother died she retold this story to some of the brethren and sisters in Mountain View who called on her.”—Letter from Mrs. Abbie Kellogg Norton, March 19, 1935.
The staff of Ellen G. White Estate would point out that Mrs. White herself does not say anything in her writings to substantiate the story regarding this picture. However, W.C. White, Ellen White’s son, remembered hearing his mother make similar comments.