Have you been tried lately? Have you thought that God doesn’t care about you? This is how I really felt early this morning when I woke up.
With health problems that I’m having now — food allergies — I have found the text this morning is so comforting:

Lately my food allergy problem is severely affecting me. It seems nothing works in getting rid of it. This morning I remembered Job’s life’s story in the Bible how he was severely tried.
So this morning’s devotional that I have read has come in a perfect timing. Read the devotional below and find out what a loving and all-knowing God we have!
The enemy cannot overcome the humble learner of Christ, the one who walks prayerfully before the Lord. Christ interposes Himself as a shelter, a retreat, from the assaults of the wicked one. The promise is given, “When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.” . . .
Satan was permitted to tempt the too-confident Peter, as he had been permitted to tempt Job; but when that work was done he had to retire. Had Satan been suffered to have his way, there would have been no hope for Peter. He would have made complete shipwreck of faith.
But the enemy dare not go one hairbreadth beyond his appointed sphere. There is no power in the whole satanic force that can disable the soul that trusts, in simple confidence, in the wisdom that comes from God.
Christ is our tower of strength, and Satan can have no power over the soul that walks with God in humility of mind. The promise,
“Let him take hold of my strength,
that he may make peace with me;
and he shall make peace with me.”
Isa. 27:5In Christ there is perfect and complete help for every tempted soul. Dangers beset every path, but the whole universe of heaven is standing on guard, that none may be tempted above that which he is able to bear.
Some have strong traits of character, that will need to be constantly repressed. If kept under the control of the Spirit of God, these traits will be a blessing; but if not, they will prove a curse. . . .
If we will give ourselves unselfishly to the work, never swerving in the least from principle, the Lord will throw about us the everlasting arms, and will prove a mighty helper. If we will look to Jesus as the One in whom we may trust, He will never fail us in any emergency.
~From Devotional: Our Father Cares, by E. G. White, pp. 56, 57
What a wonderful promise! He will never abandon us! He is our mighty Helper!
Keep on trusting…!
Do you have something to share about how God is strengthening you? I would love to hear. Please let us know by using the comment box below…
In His love,
Your Beloit SDA Church family